Zaid Romegar Mair

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Nama : Zaid Romegar Mair, S.T., M.Cs.
Fakultas:Ilmu Komputer
Program Studi:Teknik Informatika
Jenis Kelamin:Laki-Laki
Jabatan Fungsional: Lektor
Pendidikan Tertinggi:S2
Status Ikatan Kerja:Dosen Tetap
Status Aktivitas:Aktif

Zaid Romegar Mair,S.T., M.Cs Received his B.Eng. in Informatics Engineering from Ahmad Dahlan University and his M.Cs. in Computer Science from Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. He was a Senior Lecturer and the Head of Informatic Engineering Section Polytechnic Sekayu 2016-2021, and currently head of Informatic Engineering in the faculty Computer Science, Universitas Indo Global Mandiri, Palembang, Indonesia. Prior to that his research interests include machine learning techniques on big data platforms, focusing on CNN, long non-coding RNAs, short RNAs, and their transcriptional regulation. He aims to understand the involvement of these genes in various diseases and their functions in cellular processes using next-generation sequencing data. He is also an observer in coding education for children and has been actively involved as an International Coding Educator in India. He is an active member of APTIKOM, and served on the school board at SAI Palembang.

Riwayat Pendidikan

No.Perguruan TinggiGelar AkademikTanggal IjazahJenjang
1Universitas Ahmad DahlanS.T2008S1
2Universitas Gadjah MadaM.Sc2014S2