The Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Indo Global Mandiri (Fasilkom UIGM) was held based on the Decree of the Minister of National Education No. 83/D/O/2008 dated 22nd May 2008., is the forerunner of the establishment of UIGM. Established in 1999 under the name Indo Global Mandiri School of Management and Computer Information (STMIK IGM), with 2 (two) undergraduate study programs
The UIGM Faculty of Engineering originally operated under the name Academy of Technology Palembang (ATP) was established in 1992. Engaged in public services in the field of education, particularly Engineering Science. All Departments opened at the beginning of establishment are in accordance with the existing field in the Office of Public Works. The founders of STTP are former PU officials, which feel ...
The UIGM Faculty of Economics is a group of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at Universitas Indo Global Mandiri. Previously, UIGM was known as FE UIGM until 2015 there was a change in the faculty nomenclature
In 2010 Indo Global Mandiri Foundation (IGM) in order to meet the demands of society that is very much on the needs of teachers both within the Foundation IGM Foundation and other agencies,the IGM Foundation proposes to the Directorate General of Higher Education to add the newly approved Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) with the publication of ...
Becoming a reputable and leading university providing graduates who can integrate Islamic values for the community's benefit in 2039.
Faculty of Government and Cultural Sciences held in 2008 based on the Decree of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number. 83 / D / O / 2008 dated May 22, 2008, under the University of Indo Global Mandiri ...
Fakultas kedokteran UIGM resmi berdiri melalui surat keputusan menteri pendidikan kebudayaam riset dan teknlogi republik indonesia nomor 604/e/o/2024 tentang pembukaan program studi sarjana kedokteran Universitas Indo Global Mandiri
Indo Global Mandiri University has a main campus area of Ā± 7500 m2 with a campus building area of Ā± 5000 m2 located in strategic areas in the capital city of Palembang and easily accessible by transportation access.
Comfort and quitness are the supporting factors in teaching and learning process, therefore Universitas Indo Global Mandiri provides all class rooms full of air conditioning and equipped with very sup...
Laboratories are necessary to support the teaching and learning process, at Universitas Indo Global Mandiri, there are several laboratories, including computer lab, language lab, visual lab, design l...
As a place to seek knowledge, Universitas Indo Global Mandiri provides a library equipped with several books consisting of literature books in both Indonesian and English, magazines, scientific journa...
There are an internet room and a wifi network that can be accessed for free by students. The campus information network that is connected to the internet allows everyone at Universitas Indo Global Man...
As a place to support Universitas Indo Global Mandiri student activities in sports, Universitas Indo Global Mandiri provides several sports facilities such as: Futsal Court, Basketball Court, and Swim...
As a place to gain knowledge, Universitas Indo Global Mandiri provides a prayer room as a place of worship for families of Universitas Indo Global Mandiri and its surroundings who are Muslim to pray 5...
As a place to support student activities, Universitas Indo Global Mandiri also provides a canteen. This canteen is not only used as a resting place for students and lecturers, but also provides a Wire...
As a place to support learning and teaching activities, Universitas Indo Global Mandiri also has a hall with a capacity of 1000 people, which is equipped with full AC facilities, Sound System, LCD pro...
One of the works of Universitas Indo Global Mandiri students that can be implemented on campus is Global FM Radio with a frequency of 107.3 MHz, located on Campus A of Universitas Indo Global Mandiri...
Security is one thing that concerns comfort in the teaching and learning process. Security at UIGM will ensure sefty and comfort for 24 hours....
The parking space owned by Universitas Indo Global Mandiri is divided into 2 places, the first is for cars and the second is for motorbikes. Every parking lot is guarded by campus security....