Indo Global Mandiri University - South Sumatra Agency Initiates Educational Seminar on Post-Secondary Success Strategies
Indo Global Mandiri University - South Sumatra Agency Initiates Educational Seminar on Post-Secondary Success Strategies
Selasa, 03 Desember 2024
The Educational Seminar Collaboration between Indo Global Mandiri University and the South Sumatra Education Office on Saturday, (11/30) at the XII Floor Hall of Building C of IGM University was successful and lively.
Titled Success Strategies After High School, this seminar was attended by hundreds of high school students throughout Palembang City. The participants were invited to listen to the experience and motivation given by each competent resource person. This event aims to provide insight to final year students and educators about strategies to face the challenges of higher education and the world of work in the modern era.
The speakers included the Chairperson of South Sumatra Province Education, Dr. H. Supadmi Kohar, MM; Head of South Sumatra Province Education Office, H. Awaluddin, S.Pd., M.Si; Rector of Indo Global Mandiri University, Dr. H. Marzuki Alie; and Vice Rector for Planning and Cooperation of IGM University, Prof. Erry Yulian T. Adesta.
On this occasion, the Rector of IGM University, Dr. Marzuki Alie, gave his advice to the younger generation to continue to struggle and strengthen their intentions and beliefs to achieve their goals. He also shared his experience of falling up and down in the business world before finally succeeding in the world of education.
This seminar is part of UIGM's commitment in producing a superior generation. We strive to be an educational partner that is relevant to the needs of the times. So, nothing is impossible in this world, as long as you believe and believe and are serious about achieving something, said the Founder of the IGM Foundation.
The seminar received an enthusiastic response from the participants, consisting of grade XII students, teachers and parents. One student, Rina (17), claimed to be motivated after attending the seminar. I understand better the importance of choosing an education path that suits my interests and future needs, she said. (andhiko ta/sapta mh)