Universitas IGM Holds Monitoring and Evaluation of KIP Scholarship Program: Evaluation and Improvement for the Future
Jum'at, 06 September 2024
Universitas Indo Global Mandiri (IGM) has conducted a Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) event for the Indonesia Smart Card (KIP) Scholarship Programme. The purpose of this activity is to evaluate the effectiveness of the programmes implementation and its impact on beneficiary students.
Head of the Student Affairs, Alumni, and Job Affairs Bureau at Universitas IGM, Drs Rum Hendarmin, M.Si, stated that this evaluation is being carried out to ensure that the KIP Scholarship Programme is running in line with its purpose: to support students from underprivileged families in funding their higher education.
Furthermore, the agenda is designed to identify the challenges faced during the programmes implementation and initiates improvement actions.
According to the evaluation teams report, the KIP Scholarship Programme has had a positive impact on the students at the university. The majority of students reported improvements in their academic achievements and personal well-being. The data also shows that the financial assistance has helped ease the financial burden they face during their studies, he said.
He added that the university will continue to monitor the programme to ensure the grants reaches the right students and to regularly track its impact.
He also noted that this monitoring and evaluation is a important step to ensure the success of the KIP Kuliah programme, as well as improving the quality of higher education in Indonesia. Universitas IGM is committed to continually refining and enhancing the programmes implementation for the well-being of students and the advancement of national education. (andhiko ta/dzulfiqor ammar)