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SSAAC Along with Universitas Indo Global Mandiri Stand and Support the Prevention of Sexual Harassment in Higher Education

Jum'at, 02 Februari 2024

Universitas Indo Global Mandiri (IGM) participated in the American Alumni Community (SSAAC) programme held at the Polytechnic AKA Migas Meeting Room, Monday (29/1).
The seminar themed My Body, My Consent, My Dignity was participated by 150 participants from various universities in Palembang including students from Universitas Indo Global Mandiri.
During Hello Sister seminar, the Chief Executive Organiser, Nindy Voristya Wanda said, in 2023, SSAAC won the Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund (AEIF) competency for the Hello Sister Project which the main objective is to raise the awareness of the participants to make them aware and able to support the Permendikbudriset No. 30 of 2021 on Prevention and Handling of Sexual Harassment (PPKS) and take an active role in preventing and supporting victims.
The participants were also invited to watch and interactively discuss a short movie with a gender perspective titled Two Language and A Sausage.
Through this movie, the participants were made to realise that what the community can do is holding hands and protect the victims, supporting resistance to a system that leaves no justice for victims. (andhiko tungga alam/dzulfiqor ammar)

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