Educational Seminar on Post-Secondary Success Strategies; Young Generation Must Think Critically, Creatively and Adaptively
Educational Seminar on Post-Secondary Success Strategies; Young Generation Must Think Critically, Creatively and Adaptively
Selasa, 03 Desember 2024
In the seminar Educational Seminar on Post-Secondary Success Strategies initiated by IGM University and the South Sumatra Education Office, hundreds of students who filled the XII Floor Hall of Building C of IGM University were invited to prepare early on their abilities before entering college institutions.
This seminar received a warm welcome from the participants, especially final year students who began to prepare themselves to continue their higher education. Many of them felt that the material presented was very relevant to their current needs.
Chairperson of the South Sumatra Education Council, Dr. Supadmi Kohar, said students should not only rely on formal education, but also on mastering skills such as critical thinking, creativity, and adaptation. We hope this seminar can be an initial guide for students to understand that post-school success requires a balance between knowledge, mental strength, and relevant skills, she said in front of hundreds of students and educators.
He also emphasized that the world continues to change rapidly, and the younger generation needs to prepare themselves for these dynamics. Technology is rapidly evolving, the job market is changing, and global challenges are increasingly complex. The younger generation must be prepared with skills that allow them to survive and compete, he said.
Indo Global Mandiri University (UIGM) together with the South Sumatra Provincial Education Office successfully held an educational seminar entitled Post-Secondary Success Strategies. This event aims to provide insight to final year students and educators on strategies to face the challenges of higher education and the world of work in the modern era.
The activity, which took place at the Indo Global Mandiri University Hall, presented a number of competent speakers in their fields. Among them, the Chairperson of South Sumatra Province Education, Dr. H. Supadmi Kohar, MM; Head of the South Sumatra Provincial Education Office, H. Awaluddin, S.Pd., M.Si; Rector of Indo Global Mandiri University, Dr. H. Marzuki Alie; and Vice Rector for Planning and Cooperation of IGM University, Prof. Erry Yulian T. Adesta. (andhiko ta/saptamh)