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Program for Development of Micro Business Household Industry (IRT-UM) Based on Partnership 2024 Universitas Indo Global Mandiri

Senin, 25 November 2024

Indo Global Mandiri University (IGM) is again carrying out Community Service (PKM) activities as part of its commitment to support the economic development of the community. This time, the community service team led by Dr. Herri Setiawan, S.Kom, M.Kom, held a KEDAIREKA program entitled Partnership-Based Micro Business Home Industry Development Program 2024; Development and Scale-Up of Irt-Um Businesses Through the Utilization of Natural Dyes for Yarn, Fabric and Purun in Craftsmen Business Groups in Burai Village, Tanjung Batu District, Ogan Ilir Regency, South Sumatra.
One of the main focuses in this program is the utilization of natural dyes for yarn, fabric, and purun, which is a superior product for the business group.
Burai Village has around 40 business actors spread across the village area. In addition to the IRT group engaged in the Burai Indah Songket weaving business, there is also a Purun Warna-Warni (Purwani) handicraft business group that produces woven purun products. Woven purun is a traditional craft widely used by the people of South Sumatra, made from purun plants that are easily found in wetlands and swamps. This craft is not only a desirable local product, but also contributes to economic revitalization and peat restoration in Indonesia.
In this program, communities are invited to develop their skills through training and knowledge enhancement in various aspects, such as institutional management, financial management, and digital-based marketing. In addition, training on the design of decorative motifs for songket, jumputan and purun woven fabrics is also provided. All these efforts were made to help the business groups improve the quality and quantity of their production.
Although the products of these IRT groups have great potential, the main challenges faced are limitations in terms of marketing and business management. Their products are currently marketed in a traditional way, such as through deposit at shops, word-of-mouth marketing, or by order only. This hinders development and the potential for greater income.
In addition, conventional production methods and low production quantity are major obstacles. Many products have not been able to meet market demand, and until now they have not had a dedicated sales place such as a shop or gallery. Plus, there is no optimal utilization of digital technology to market their products to a wider market.
The Indo Global Mandiri University team is committed to helping the Burai village community overcome these challenges by providing training in digital marketing, branding and product packaging. The hope is that with a better understanding of technology-based marketing, these business groups can maximize market opportunities, increase production volume and reach a wider range of customers. The training also includes more modern and efficient business management strategies, so that the income of the business groups can increase significantly.
With the use of digital media, proper branding, and attractive product packaging, we believe these products can be more widely known and have a positive economic impact on the community, said the Head of the Indo Global Mandiri University Community Service Team, Dr. Herri Setiawan to IGMTVnews.com.
This program is expected to not only provide new knowledge for the people of Burai Village, but also open up opportunities to improve the local economy, introduce traditional products that are rich in culture, and create greater market opportunities.
In the future, he continued, it is hoped that business actors in Burai Village can be more independent and grow rapidly with the utilization of technology and capacity building provided. This program is a clear example of how universities can play a role in micro-industry development through a mutually beneficial partnership between academics and the community.
Dr Heri and the team also expressed their gratitude to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemenristek-dikti), Kedaireka, LPPMK Universitas Indo Global Mandiri for facilitating the 2024 PARTNERSHIP-BASED MICRO BUSINESS HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRIES (IRT-UM) program. Of course we also really appreciate the welcome given by partners, both the Burai Village Government, Burai Indah Partners and Purwani Partners who have committed to participating in this series of community service activities from start to finish, he concluded.(andhiko ta/sapta mh)

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