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LPM Roeang Suara Universitas IGM Takes Part in South Sumatra's Just Journalist Network

Kamis, 22 Februari 2024

Universitas Indo Global Mandiri's Roeang Suara Student Press Institute (LPM) took part in the Just Journalist Network of South Sumatra.
Initiated by the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Palembang with the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), and the Society of Indonesian Environmental Journalists (SIEJ), the programme was meant to build public awareness about energy transition through quality journalistic works. The event took place at Guns Cafe Palembang, Tuesday (20/2/2024).
Head of AJI Palembang, M Fajar Wiko said the journalists who are part of the South Sumatra Just Journalist Network can make public opinion about the energy transition, identify challenges and opportunities in reporting complex issues related to renewable energy, and identify the economic, social and environmental impacts of the energy transition programme effectively to communicate to the public. Currently, for most journalists, many unfamiliar terms in the energy transition issue remain. It affects journalists' concentration on the energy issue.
Therefore, AJI Palembang initiated the South Sumatra Just Journalist Network to share information related to the environment, especially the energy transition with the support of academics, NGOs, and the government, making the proportion of news on energy issues more frequent, said Fajar Wiko.
Deputy Chief Editor of Tribun Sumsel Prawira Maulana said, currently the news related to the environment, especially the energy transition is not well reported. The Formation of the South Sumatra Just Energy Journalist Network is expected to be a new source of media for journalists in Palembang, South Sumatra.
Most national media are currently reporting on environmental issues in South Sumatra, and even then it is not their main concern, perhaps only mentioning it once a month. This could be one of the good points, how local media started to be aware. It is hoped to be continued into something more concrete, he concluded. (andhiko tungga alam/rel/dzulfiqor ammar)

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