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Implementation of the 4th SDG, IGM University Lecturer Shares Experience on How to Think Critically in the Current Era in Impact Circle 8.0 Seminar

Selasa, 03 Desember 2024

Indo Global Mandiri University lecturer, Dr. Ir Endy Agustian, S.T., M.Eng became one of the speakers at the Impact Circle 8.0 seminar held at BPSDMD South Sumatra Province (Princess Kembang Dadar Hall), Saturday (30/11) yesterday.
In the seminar, which was attended by hundreds of students throughout Palembang city, Dr. Endy provided insights on how critical thinking can be the foundation for building leadership that is relevant to global challenges as promoted in SDG 4 (Quality Education).
The role of Critical Thinking is very important, because actually the purpose of education is to form a conceptual mindset. Through critical thinking, every individual will indirectly start all his actions with why or start with why, so that it can lead to a wise decision. This is very much needed as a leader, he said.
To realize this, he continued, the younger generation must have the mindset to become lifelong learning agents. He said that the youth must understand the essence of the philosophy of education itself as promoted by the Father of Indonesian Education Ki Hajar Dewantara Ing Ngarsa Sung Tuladha, Ing Madya Mangun Karsa, Tut Wuri Handayani. Youth must be eager to work and must have a mind set to share with the environment around them.
Including for leaders, a good leader is those who are able to formulate and make good decisions. One of the skills that must be possessed by a leader is critical thinking then supported by communication skills and leadership skills, he said.
He also explained that this activity was a form of contribution as a Lecturer at Indo Globa Mandiri University to support SDG 4: Quality Education.
Through my experience that I can share with the wider community. Through this Impact Circle activity, of course I see many problems faced by young people today, especially in bringing up critical thinking within themselves, so that through interactive discussions I can share and brainstorm with all participants, he explained. (andhiko ta/sapta mh)

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