Supporting National Economic Development, Non-formal Vocational Education Improves Human Capital Competence
Supporting National Economic Development, Non-formal Vocational Education Improves Human Capital Competence
Rabu, 17 Januari 2024
The Directorate General of Vocational Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (MoECristek) has successfully showcased non-formal vocational education that supports national economic development.
Director of Courses and Training, Wartanto, emphasised the role of courses and training as non-formal vocational education that supports the skills of human capital.
Non-formal vocational education in courses and training institutions (LKP) focuses on developing the human potential of out-of-school children so as to help reduce the unemployment rate in Indonesia through training in various fields, said Wartanto.
Wartanto explained, through the outcomes of the 2023 The Work Skills Education (PKK) programme, more than 16,300 graduates have been hired into the industry. Meanwhile, there have been 18,301 graduates of the 2023 Entrepreneurial Skills Education (PKW) programme who have started businesses.
To support the development of non-formal education, Wartanto said that LKPs need to move to the digital world and technology.
LKP should keep up with the digital era by not only educating, but also responding to the needs of the market which is currently intensively in the digital era, said Wartanto.
On the same occasion, Dasep Suryanto, as Chairman of the Permanent Committee for Vocational Education, Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin), also appreciated the strategic step of Presidential Regulation No. 68 of 2022 on Revitalisation of Vocational Education and Vocational Training. He also said that industry now has a role in supporting national development through vocational education.
In addition, he also gave a briefing to LKP in providing competent and employable graduates. Dasep said that non-formal vocational education has also been supported by the government and has been collaborated with industry. However, the challenge for institutions is how to keep instilling character in students, not only technical skills, but also life skills, he said.
Dasep said that the character and attitude of graduates who never give up are important points that industries value in non-formal vocational education graduates. (andhiko tungga alam/rel/dzulfiqor ammar)